Similar to many talks we have recieved from guest lecturers and advice from other students Frank Chimero ( Illustrator, Graphic Designer and writer) documents his own guiding principles, doodling on post it notes. Some of these principles included : Being honest, Don't be scared of your tools and being too comfortable can be dangerous.
However, my favourite was number 10 ' Execute'. Forever trying to think of that initial good idea rather than just jotting down rough ideas is something that happens to me a LOT. Yet after reading Chimero's statement it actually made me more open minded.
'10. Execute.
An idea on the page is worth 100x more than an idea in the mind. You can only judge and be judged by work that’s executed. Eventually, we all realize that most of the ideas that look great in our mind look dumb once they’re real. But, at least you now know.'