On the 26th November Mike Rigby from design agency True North came into college to give us a few words of wisdom about his life as a graphic designer and priceless advice that has helped him on his way. Mike graduated in 2002 from Preston and since then has worked at Chase Manchester, Mark Studio, Pentagram in London as well as travelling and ending up in Australia working Landor and Moon design.

Mike describe how design is a great job, with no 2 jobs ever the same, he like's it because it's interesting and challenging and being able to meet with different people and collaborate is definitely a positive. Other positives that Mike highlighted involved being part of a strong design community, being able to go to design ceremonies and being able to work for yourself whenever you want. However with positives come negatives and Mike spoke about how competitive the industry is focusing on key points such as long hours, lots of pressure due to working hard and long deadlines, client interference and lost pitches. He also spoke of the anguish at not being able to get a job.
Work with True North, Royal Mail Yearbook:

Mike felt that placements are an essential requirement to help getting a job after graduation. As well as getting to work on live briefs in a real design environment you are forced to work at the same pace as everyone else therefore this speeds up the pace you work on. To get the most out of a placement it's important to take professional pride in everything you do even if it's simply just a mock up. Always socialise and ask questions, be enthusiastic as well as making a brew are all fundamental parts towards succeeding whilst on placement. Mike also thought it was important to remember that if you don't get a placement or you don't get offered a job from a placement to not worry. Rejection is part of design and it doesn't mean your not good enough.
Mike also spoke about the importance of taking a break and said that the best thing he ever did was to just quit and travel the world. He showed us some AMAZING pictures of his travels and although I would like to make it in the industry the thought of going travelling for a while is very appealing to me as I feel I have been in education for ever now! Whilst travelling Mike also landed a job abroad and he couldn't express any more how much of a great experience this was, you meet great people and it's a fantastic lifestyle.
True North work, expecting a baby:

Mike's 'final rambling's' were for us to ask ourselves why are we doing design? are we commited enough? He felt that it's important for us to ask ourselves now who we want to work for rather than deciding later. We should ignore the doom and gloom and believe in our own ability.
He ended the talk on this quote... ' If I could live at any point in human civilisation I'd still choose now'
I really enjoyed Mike Rigby's talk it was very insightful and gave me a lot to think about.