Yesterday Craig Oldham from design agency Music came into college to talk to us about what we should expect when we leave university and what the industry is like. This was constructed in the style of 12 points; 12 points which has recieved lots of awards for Craig as he compiled together a booklet of things to be expected in the first year of being a designer. ' 12 lessons in 12 months'
These lessons are:
1. Understand what Graphic design is to you. Define creativity, and what you value as good design, then you will know what it takes to achieve it.
2. Be honest with yourself about your strengths and your weaknesses. Know what you are best at. We shouldn't be embarrased about telling people what we are bad at.
3. A portfolio is for life, not just for an interview. The portfolio is never finished, treat it like and ongoing project and update it every time you do something.
4. Placements matter, so do them: get stuck in and give them a go - within this Craig stated why we should do placements and why we shouldnt :
Why we should
* New expectations
* Real work
* Become much better
* Meet interesting people
* Put you ahead of competition
* Improve your tea making! Craig states ' whether you like it or not.. brew up'
* Make you more confident
You shouldn't
* Make a loss money wise
* Away for a period of time, most of the time alone
* Taken advantage of
However the good still outways the bad! Craig thinks it's better when looking for a placement to have a hitlist of favourite agencies and to research everything before you go. When your there you should be punctual, be yourself and remember that a little enthusiasm goes along way.
5. The design industry is small, everybody knows each other.
6. Two heads are better than one so participate with people and share your ideas. We have to learn to take criticism as well as praise.
7. Graphic design is just a job but being a designer is different
8. If you don't fail then you aren't trying. Make mistakes. It is the only reason you will learn.
9. Life and work exist out of London
10. Designing is about 20% of your job, the rest of your time is spent away doing this, meeting with clients and answering questions
11. Have a life outside of design, let your life inspire your design
12. Work hard and be nice to people
I really found Craig's lecture really interesting and helpful as well as lighthearted and opinionated. It was one of the best lectures I have attended so far. We all know the design industry is slightly scary when you leave University and head out into the big wide world but with advice like this it makes things seem not so daunting.

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