Dye, Holloway and Murray is located on Newburgh street, near Soho and Oxford circus. It's location itself, in my opinion was very trendy and modern with small boutique shops surrounding it. Upon arriving we were asked to wait in reception which, like the streets outside were very modern with large lights and a large metal clock showing times from around the world. There was also framed images of the agencies work for clients such as; Howies, Gaymers, Bmi healthcare and land securities some of which I had previously seen in D&AD annuals.
Work for Howies:

Work for Gaymers

We were met by Fran who Grace had been in contact with and were shown into a large open plan board room where we all sat around and spoke through our portfolio.
As there was 3 of us we decided to take 3 pieces of work each to the visit as we were aware that as an agency they would be busy and not have all day to sit around talking to us.The pieces of work I spoke through were ; The british dental Museum, The kitchen of Meaning and mine and Grace's Bacardi work.
My work - British Dental museum

My work : The kitchen of meaning

Fran and her partner both seemed to like my editorial spreads for the British Dental museum. They thought it was clever how the type was set and how different parts of the dental tools picked out certain words. They also commented on the 'Bitesize guide' tagline which was added to my front cover stating that this was a clever way to reinforce the dental museum and book. Similar to my first portfolio visit with agency Top corner it was reinforced that perhaps I could extend this project further by adding in a few more spreads and photographing other dental tools.
Fran felt that maybe the composition and layout of my Kitchen of Meaning project could be slightly tweaked by moving the definition so that it fits in line with what the exhibition actually is. It was also suggested that maybe I could move the type so that a story was read throughout the poster but this was an idea which Grace had already worked on.
The main reason for visiting DHM was so that myself and Grace could get some feedback on work we had been collaborating on for a brief set by YCN. Grace had previously sent ahead our designs we had done for Bacardi yet it was much better being able to talk to Fran and her partner face to face about their opinions on it. It was suggested that as we felt that we were at dead end with our copywriting that we should sit down and begin again thinking of different scenarios such as maybe a story aimed at gays, one aimed at someone on holiday , rather than just limiting ourselves to a guy meets a girl in a club. Fran also felt that some of the words we had chose such as 'cheeky wink' would not be words a young male audience would really use now and maybe we should use more sexier words instead. Fran was worried that our designs would not be able to be used in the real world as we broke all codes and conventions of the rules. Myself and Grace already knew this but decided once we had started we may as well push the rules as far as we could. It was suggested we should think about where the advertisements would be placed, for example an adshel at night time and we should also think of a good tag line to go with the overall flirting of the poster. The advice and feedback we got from this was very helpful and I now feel me and Grace can push on with our work much better.
I found the feedback very helpful and came away from the visit feeling quite confident and positive about my work. In all I loved Dhm's studio and would like to work in an environment like the one they had.
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