Thursday, 4 March 2010


On the 1st March myself and the rest of 3rd year Graphics and 3rd year moving image students travelled to London to meet with various design agencies and show our portfolios. I found this a very worthwhile experience as it gave me a better understanding of what it would be like to work in a different city as well as how other design agencies operate. Personally I loved London, I like how busy it is, how there is so much to do, I felt very at home and moving there after graduation is something I am definately considering.

My knowledge of London and what life is like after University was broadened when we met with Shellsuit Zombie. The tutors had arranged a fun boozy lecture in a pub in Kings Cross where recent graduates; Rob Butcher, Jonny Birch, James Fletcher and Ellie Offord came to talk about their own experiences and what to expect. The lecture was fun and different to ones attended in uni as it included quizzes and a chance for us to work in groups to show off our creative sides. Picking from a celebrity and an issue myself, Nick, Nicola, Andy and Sophie worked as a team with the celebrity Michael Jackson and the issue euthanasia. Our creative campaign was based on song lyrics by MJ or words connected with himself.... For example we had 'Heeee heeeee...... euthanasia' and ' stop schmoanin.... euthanasia' and 'it's bad.... euthanasia'
The whole night was fun and well organised.

You can visit the shellsuit zombie website here

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